Edited by S. T. Joshi & David E. Schultz
Dust Jacket Text
H. P. Lovecraft was one of the most beloved individuals of his era, and many friends,
colleagues, and correspondents wrote memoirs of their association with him. This volume, one of
the most exhaustive collection of Lovecraft memoirs ever published, gathers together some of the
best-known accounts of Lovecraft the man and writer, including W. Paul Cook’s classic
In Memoriam: Howard Phillips Lovecraft (1941) and Sonia H. Davis’s The Private
Life of H. P. Lovecraft, a moving discussion of her marriage to the Providence writer.
Members of the celebrated Kalem Club (Frank Belknap Long, Rheinhart Kleiner, Samuel Loveman,
James F. Morton) add their assessments, while such neighbors as Harold W. Munro
(Lovecraft’s classmate at Hope Street High School), Clara Hess, and Muriel Eddy offer
unique glimpses of Lovecraft’s life in Providence.
As Lovecraft became a titan in the world of pulp fiction, such colleagues as Donald Wandrei, E.
Hoffmann Price, and H. Warner Munn recounted their recollections. Late in life, Lovecraft became
a mentor for a cadre of young fans and writers who were spearheading the fantasy fandom
movement, and many of them—R. H. Barlow, Fritz Leiber, Robert Bloch, Kenneth Sterling, and
others—told of their memories of the dreamer from Providence.
Ave atque Vale has been meticulously edited by S. T. Joshi and David E. Schultz, two of
the leading authorities on Lovecraft. They have supplied biographical information on the various
authors and annotated each essay thoroughly to explain obscure references and to correct errors.
This book will be an invaluable contribution to the study of H. P. Lovecraft.
- Introduction
- I. Some Overviews
- Ave atque Vale! by Edward H. Cole
- A Few Memories by James F. Morton
- In Memoriam: Howard Phillips Lovecraft—Recollections, Appreciations, Estimates by W.
Paul Cook
- Howard Phillips Lovecraft by Samuel Loveman
- Some Random Memories of H.P.L. by Frank Belknap Long
- A Memoir of Lovecraft by Rheinhart Kleiner
- The Normal Lovecraft: A Memoir to Restore Balance to the Shade of a Man of Delightful
Character by Wilfred B. Talman
- The Private Life of H. P. Lovecraft by Sonia H. Davis
- Memories of Lovecraft by Sonia H. Davis
- Amateur Affairs by Hyman Bradofsky
- II. Childhood and Early Adulthood (1890–1922)
- Lovecraft, My Childhood Friend by Harold W. Munro
- Letter to Winfield Townley Scott by Clara Hess
- Little Journeys to the Homes of Prominent Amateurs by Andrew Francis Lockhart
- Young Man Lovecraft by L. Sprague de Camp
- From “Further Recollections of Amateur Journalism” by Arthur Goodenough
- Lovecraft Was My Mentor by Horace L. Lawson
- 20 Webster Street by George Julian Houtain
- Howard Phillips Lovecraft: The Sage of Providence by Maurice W. Moe
- A Tribute from the Past by Ira A. Cole
- Discourse on H. P. Lovecraft by Rheinhart Kleiner
- Memories of a Friendship by Alfred Galpin
- I Met Lovecraft by Paul Livingston Keil
- III. Early Professional Career (1923–1930)
- Howard Phillips Lovecraft by Muriel E. Eddy
- The Man Who Came at Midnight by Ruth M. Eddy
- The Kalem Letters by George Kirk
- Bards and Bibliophiles by Rheinhart Kleiner
- Lovecraft as a Conversationalist by Samuel Loveman
- Recollections of H. P. Lovecraft by Vrest Orton
- H. P. Lovecraft: A Pupil’s View by Zealia Bishop
- Lovecraft in Providence by Donald Wandrei
- H.P.L.: A Reminiscence by H. Warner Munn
- One Day in the Life of H. P. Lovecraft by Frank Belknap Long
- IV. Later Years (1931–1937)
- An Interview with Harry K. Brobst by Will Murray
- The Sage of College Street by E. Hoffmann Price
- Howard Phillips Lovecraft by E. Hoffmann Price
- H. P. Lovecraft the Man by E. Hoffmann Price
- Idiosyncrasies of H.P.L. by Ernest A. Edkins
- Some Memories of H.P.L. by Helen V. Sully
- Three Hours with H. P. Lovecraft by Dorothy C. Walter
- [Memories of HPL (1934)] by Robert H. Barlow
- The Wind That Is in the Grass: A Memoir of H. P. Lovecraft in Florida by Robert H. Barlow
- Letter to Fantasy Commentator by Robert Bloch
- H. P. Lovecraft as I Knew Him by Duane W. Rimel
- Caverns Measureless to Man by Kenneth Sterling
- Interlude with Lovecraft by Stuart M. Boland
- Lovecraft’s First Book by William L. Crawford
- My Correspondence with Lovecraft by Fritz Leiber
- Miscellaneous Impressions of H.P.L. by Marian F. Bonner
- A Glimpse of H.P.L. by Mary V. Dana
- The Last of H. P. Lovecraft by John B. Michel
- V. Brief Tributes
- Howard P. Lovecraft [1890–1937] by Walter J. Coates
- From “More Regrettable Passings” by Arthur Harris
- Howard Phillips Lovecraft by Charles W. Smith
- O Artemidorus, Farewell! by Ernest A. Edkins
- From Maurice Moe’s Son by Donald J. Moe
- A Walk in the Field by George W. Macauley
- Letter to Weird Tales by Hazel Heald
- Letter to Weird Tales by Robert Bloch
- In Memoriam: H. P. Lovecraft by Clark Ashton Smith
- Letter to Weird Tales by Clark Ashton Smith
- Letter to Science-Fiction Critic by Clark Ashton Smith
- Howard Phillips Lovecraft by Donald A. Wollheim
- A Tribute to Lovecraft by Robert W. Lowndes
- The Genius of Lovecraft by Henry George Weiss (Francis Flagg)
- VI. Poetic Tributes
- Elegy in Spring by August Derleth
- To H.P.L. by Samuel Loveman
- To Howard Phillips Lovecraft by Clark Ashton Smith
- Biographical Notes
- Bibliography
- Index
Bibliographic Information
Ave atque Vale: Reminiscences of H. P. Lovecraft. Edited by S. T. Joshi & David E.
Schultz. West Warwick, RI: Necronomicon Press; 2018; ISBN 978-0-940884-21-2 (hardcover) and
978-0-940884-20-5 (trade paperback); 502 pages.
Purchasing This Book
This book may be purchased in hardcover from Amazon.com or Barnes & Noble, in paperback from Amazon.com or Barnes & Noble, or directly from the publisher, Necronomicon Press.