By H.P. Lovecraft
Illustrated by Pete Von Sholly
Introduction by S.T.
Dustjacket Text
While not one of HPL’s most popular tales,
The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath is
bursting with scenes and creatures that simply beg for artistic expression.
Although it’s HPL’s only total fantasy epic, the inclusion of Richard
Upton Pickman (in a kind of sequel to
Pickman’s Model), the ubiquitous
Nyarlathotep, and the various name and place references tie the story to Lovecraft’s other
major fiction and pull it away from his ‘Dunsanian’ stories. I have drawn Randolph
Carter, our hero, as Lovecraft since the story is so auto-biographical, heavily incorporating
his love of antiquarian architecture, cats and of course
the past.
Of all the author’s work, I find this one to have a very satisfying and
happy ending; something we don’t often get with Lovecraft. This was the first story I
illustrated and I’m delighted that PS is using it as the springboard for their new Pulps
—Pete Von Sholly
Bibliographic Information
The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath. By H.P. Lovecraft, illustrated by Pete Von Sholly,
introduction by S.T. Joshi. Hornsea, England: PS Publishing; 2014; ISBN 978-1-848637-31-3;
jacketed hardcover.
Purchasing This Book
This book may be purchased in hardcover from or Barnes & Noble or directly from the publisher, PS Publishing.