By H.P. Lovecraft
Edited by S.T. Joshi & David E. Schultz
Back Cover Text
James Ferdinand Morton was one of H.P. Lovecraft’s most learned and accomplished
correspondents: the recipient of a B.A. and M.A. from Harvard, Morton served as a leading figure
in the Esperanto Association of North America, the Thomas Paine Natural History Association, and
other organizations, and was a longtime curator of the Paterson (New Jersey) Museum.
Lovecraft’s correspondence with Morton reveals the full range of his and Morton’s
intellectual interests, ranging from freethought to socialism, from amateur journalism to
crossword puzzles, from race relations to the rise of Mussolini and Hitler. Along the way,
Lovecraft provides engaging accounts—many times written in piquant slang—of his
travels across New England, his diet, and other details that bring the dreamer from Providence
to life.
A sampling of Morton’s own writings complements the letters, and includes his substantial
essay “Fragments of a Mental Autobiography.” The volume concludes with many
fascinating memoirs of Morton by friends and colleagues, including E. Hoffmann Price, W. Paul
Cook, and Morton’s wife Pearl K. Merritt.
Extensively annotated by leading Lovecraft scholars David E. Schultz and S. T. Joshi, this
volume illuminates one of the great literary personalities of his time—and in his own
words. The letters are presented in unabridged form and with detailed notes and commentary.
- Introduction (11 pages)
- Letters to James Ferdinand Morton (386 pages)
- Appendix (55 pages)
- Lovecraft and Morton
- “Conservatism’ Gone Mad
- The Isaacsonio-Mortoniad
- Save the Old Brick Row
- [Christmas Greetings to James F. Morton]
- Correspondence with William L. Bryant
- Writings by James F. Morton
- Fragments of a Mental Autobiography
- My Intellectual Evolution
- A Few Memories
- Writings about James F. Morton
- [James F. Morton in Who’s Who]
- Memorial of James F. Morton, O. Ivan Lee
- James Ferdinand Morton, Jr., Edward H. Cole
- Mortonius, E. Hoffmann Price
- Comments on Mr. Price’s Article, Pearl K. Morton
- Jim Morton, W. Paul Cook
- James Morton, Rheinhart Kleiner
- Glossary of Frequently Mentioned Names (7 pages)
- Bibliography (12 pages)
- Index (11 pages)
Bibliographic Information
H.P. Lovecraft: Letters to James F. Morton.. By H.P. Lovecraft, Edited by S.T. Joshi
& David E. Schultz. New York, NY: Hippocampus Press; 2011; ISBN 978-0-9844802-3-4;
softcover, 494 pages.
Purchasing This Book
This book may be purchased in softcover from or Barnes & Noble or directly from the publisher, Hippocampus Press.