Electronic Text
Publication History
The following entries include the first publication of this work and any publications currently
in print.
- The Recluse, No. 1 (1927), 23–59.
- Supernatural Horror in Literature. Ed. E.F. Bleiler.
New York, NY: Dover, 1973, 11–106.
- Dagon and Other Macabre Tales. Ed. S.T. Joshi. Sauk City,
WI: Arkham House, 1987, 365–436.
- The Annotated Supernatural Horror in Literature, By
H.P. Lovecraft, Edited, with Introduction and Commentary, by S.T. Joshi. New York, NY:
Hippocampus Press; 2000.
- Collected Essays, Volume 2: Literary
Criticism. By H.P. Lovecraft, Edited by S.T. Joshi. New York, NY: Hippocampus Press;
2004; 82–135.
- At the Mountains of Madness: The Definitive Edition.
New York, NY: The Modern Library, 2005, 103–173.
- H.P. Lovecraft: The Fiction. New York, NY: Barnes
& Noble, 2008, 1041–1098.
- Eldritch Tales: A Miscellany of the Macabre. London:
Gollancz, 2011, 423–492.
- H.P. Lovecraft: The Complete Fiction. New York, NY:
Barnes & Noble, 2011, 1041–1098.