By S.T. Joshi
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Explanatory Notes
- Note on the Revised Edition
- The Index
- Appendix I: A Brief Chronology of the Life of H.P. Lovecraft
- Appendix II: List of Lovecraft’s Correspondents
- Appendix III: Index to Illustrations and Photographs
- Appendix IV: Prose and Poetry Excerpts in the Selected Letters
- Appendix V: Errata in the Selected Letters
Bibliographic Information
An Index to the Selected Letters of H.P. Lovecraft, By S.T. Joshi. West
Warwick, RI: Necronomicon Press; 1980, 1991; paperback; 50 pages.
Purchasing This Book
This book may be purchased directly from the publisher, Necronomicon Press.