By S.T. Joshi
Back Cover Text
When S.T. Joshi first compiled his Index to the Selected Letters of H.P.
Lovecraft, we never realised how useful and popular an item it would turn
out to be. Of course, the next logical step would be to create an index to
Lovecraft’s fiction and poetry, so that the reader could easily locate
persons, places, or eldritch things. With the same attention to detail as in
his previous projects, S.T. Joshi here has compiled An Index to the Fiction
and Poetry of H.P. Lovecraft. This work covers all of Lovecraft’s
major fiction (references are given both to the 1960s and 1980s editions
published by Arkham House), his collaborations in The Horror in the
Museum (both editions), the entire Fungi from Yuggoth, as well as the
poems included in The Fantastic Poetry. This is an indispensable tool
for all Lovecraft readers, or for anyone who might want to know where Cthulhu or
other entities are referred to in Lovecraft’s writings.
Bibliographic Information
An Index to the Fiction & Poetry of H.P. Lovecraft, By S.T. Joshi. West
Warwick, RI: Necronomicon Press; 1992; ISBN 0-940884-44-5; paperback; 42 pages.
Purchasing This Book
This book may be purchased in paperback from or directly from the publisher, Necronomicon Press.