By S.T. Joshi
Back Cover Text
S.T. Joshi has established himself as a leading critic and scholar of the weird tale. Having
begun by studying the work of H. P. Lovecraft, Joshi has expanded his interests to include the
entire range of horror fiction from such classics as Lord Dunsany and Algernon Blackwood to such
contemporaries as Ramsey Campbell, Stephen King, and Clive Barker. In this generous sampling of
the reviews that Joshi has written in nearly thirty years as a critic, we find trenchant analyses
of writers ranging from Arthur Machen, E. F. Benson, and Shirley Jackson to Peter Straub, Thomas
Ligotti, Norman Partridge, and David J. Schow. Joshi also addresses such significant themes in
horror fiction as the subgenre of dark suspense, the haunted house, Arkham House and its legacy,
and the work of the small press. Of particular note is a lengthy section devoted to H. P.
Lovecraft, including studies of an array of Cthulhu Mythos writings and detailed examinations of
recent Lovecraft scholarship. Joshi’s essays and reviews are enlivened with a pungent wit
and literary flair that bring to mind the work of John Clute and Brian Aldiss.
S.T. Joshi is the author of such works as The Weird Tale (1990), H. P. Lovecraft: A
Life (1996), and The Modern Weird Tale (2001). He has edited or coedited such important
reference works as Supernatural Horror Literature of the World: An Encyclopedia (2005) and
Icons of Horror and the Supernatural (2006). His numerous publications have received the
World Fantasy Award, the British Fantasy Award, the Horror Writers Association Award, and the
International Horror Guild Award.
- Preface
- I. Some Overviews
- Arkham House and Its Legacy
- The Haunted House
- Professional and Amateurs
- Some Thoughts on Weird Poetry
- Bram and Bela and Mary and Boris
- What the Hell Is Dark Suspense?
- The Small Press
- II. Classics
- Algernon Blackwood: The Starlight Man
- Arthur Machen: A Minor Classic
- William Hope Hodgson: Writer on the Borderland
- E. F. Benson: Spooks and More Spooks
- A. M. Burrage: The Ghost Man
- Herbert S. Gorman: Where Is the Place Called Dagon?
- Andrew Caldecott: The Well-Crafted Ghost
- Rescuing Shirley Jackson
- III. Contemporaries
- Les Daniels: The Sardonic Vampire
- Dennis Etchison and His Masters
- Thomas Tryon: The Return of the Posthumous Collaboration
- Stephen King and God
- Peter Straub and the Blue Pencil
- Ramsey Campbell: Alone with a Master
- Clive Barker: Weird Fiction as Subversion
- David J. Schow: Zombies, Tapeworms, and Kamikaze Butterflies
- Donald R. Burleson: Enmeshed in the Bizarre
- Norman Partridge: Here to Stay
- Thomas Harris: Lecter as Albatross
- Thomas Ligotti: The Long and the Short of It
- Michael Cisco: Ligotti Redivivus?
- Sherry Austin: The Southern Ghost Story
- Shades of Edgar and Ambrose
- IV. Scholarship
- The Charting of Horror Literature
- Classics and Contemporaries
- V. H. P. Lovecraft
- Some Lovecraft Editions
- The Cthulhu Mythos
- Lovecraft as a Character in Fiction
- Some Lovecraft Scholarship
- Barton L. St. Armand
- Donald R. Burleson
- Peter Cannon
- Robert M. Price
- Kenneth W. Faig, Jr.
- Edward W. O’Brien, Jr.
- Robert H. Waugh
- Index
- Acknowledgments
Bibliographic Information
Classics & Contemporaries: Some Notes on Horror Fiction. By S.T. Joshi. New York,
NY: Hippocampus Press; 2009; ISBN 978-0-9814888-3-7; softcover; 296 pages.
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This book may be purchased in softcover from or Barnes & Noble or directly from the publisher, Hippocampus Press.