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NecronomiCon: 3rd Edition

The Cthulhu Mythos Convention
August 15-17, 1997
Providence, Rhode Island
at the Marriott

Guests of Honor

Guest of Honor:  Brian Lumley
Special Guest:  Dirk W. Mosig

Convention Committee Members

David Hammann, Franklin Hummel, Friday Jones, Marc A. Michaud, Charles D. Morgan, and Joan C. Stanley.

Program Participants

James Anderson, Scott David Aniolowski, Toren Atkinson, Fred Behrendt, Fred Blosser, Rusty Burke, Don D’Ammassa, Les Daniels, DeVille, Paul DiFilippo, Ken Faig, W. Paul Ganley, David S. Hammann, Daniel Harms, C.J. Henderson, Friday Jones, S.T. Joshi, Robert H. Knox, Allen Koszowski, Geoff Leatham, Donovan K. Loucks, Brian McNaughton, Marc A. Michaud, Robert Murch, Will Murray, Adam Niswander, Roberta Piedmont, Robert M. Price, Dr. Faye Ringel, Philip Robinson, Kevin Ross, David E. Schultz, Darrell Schweitzer, John Stanley, Gary Sumpter, Jason Thompson, John Tynes, Aaron Vanek, and Robert Waugh.

Programming Schedule

Friday, August 15, 1997

9:00 AM to 5:00 PM – Special Exhibit at the John Hay Library
Brown University’s John Hay Library, 20 Prospect St., will have a special exhibit of Mythos-related items on display. [Stanley (Librarian)]
1:00 PM to 6:00 PM – Dealers’/Artists’ Room (Reprisal, Britannia, and Defiance)

12:00 N to 3:00 PM – Long Walking Tour #1 (Meet in Lobby)
HPL’s biographer S.T. Joshi leads a walking tour of Lovecraftian sites on College Hill, with a stop at the Hay Library. [Joshi (Guide)]
2:00 PM to 5:00 PM – Long Walking Tour #2 (Meet in Lobby)
alt.horror.cthulhu’s FAQ-Keeper Donovan Loucks leads a tour of College Hill’s Lovecraftian sites with a stop at the Hay Library. [Loucks (Guide)]
Time Bounty Constitution Enterprise (A/V Room) Lincoln Republic Resolution Washington
12:00 N
Gaming: Call of Cthulhu Tournament Game (#1-1)
Opening Round/Session #1: “Still Life.” Can the investigators destroy an ancient evil menacing a quiet town in New York? (Cthulhu Now) [Sumpter (Keeper)]
12:30 PM
1:00 PM
The Real Ghostbusters: “Collect Call of Cthulhu” and “Russian About”
An animated version of the Cthulhu Mythos? Why not? Saturday morning cartoons for the Lovecraft crowd.
Lovecraft and Religious Belief
Lovecraft was an atheist. Yet some with deeply-held religious beliefs admire the man and his writings. Why and how? [Faig, Hammann (Moderator), Mosig, Price]
Gaming: Call of Cthulhu Tournament Game (#1-2)
Opening Round/Session #2: “Still Life.” Can the investigators destroy an ancient evil menacing a quiet town in New York? (Cthulhu Now) [Behrendt (Keeper)]
1:30 PM
2:00 PM
Gaming: Call of Cthulhu Tournament Game (#1-3)
Opening Round/Session #3: “Still Life.” Can the investigators destroy an ancient evil menacing a quiet town in New York? (Cthulhu Now) [Ross (Keeper)]
The Resurrected (1991)
Directed by Dan O’Bannon. Charles Dexter Ward becomes fascinated with his genealogy, especially a satanic ancestor, Joseph Curwen, whose experiments in resurrection he recreates—with disastrous results! Stars Chris Sarandon, John Terry, Jane Sibbett. Based on The Case of Charles Dexter Ward. (108 min.)
Gaming: Call of Cthulhu Tournament Game (#1-4)
Opening Round/Session #4: “Still Life.” Can the investigators destroy an ancient evil menacing a quiet town in New York? (Cthulhu Now) [Aniolowski (Keeper)]
Signing #1 by Brian Lumley
Guest of Honor Brian Lumley signs autographs. [Lumley]
2:30 PM
3:00 PM
DiFilippo as a Mythos Writer
Prof. Faye Ringel discusses with author Paul DiFilippo his use of the Mythos in his writings. [DiFilippo, Ringel (Moderator)]
3:30 PM
4:00 PM
Reading by Darrell Schweitzer
Author and editor Darrell Schweitzer reads some of his works. [Schweitzer]
Lovecraft, Buddhism, and Quantum Reality
A solo discussion by Special Guest Dirk Mosig. [Mosig]
Me, The Cthulhu Mythos, and Like That...
Guest of Honor Brian Lumley gives a solo presentation on the Mythos, related subjects, and himself. [Lumley]
4:30 PM
5:00 PM
Reading by Robert M. Price
Crypt of Cthulhu and Chaosium Mythos Cycle series editor Robert M. Price reads his works. [Price]
The Unnamable (1988)
Directed by Jean-Paul Ouellette. A group of Miskatonic University students looking for a place to make out enter a deserted house stalked by a demon. Stars Mark Kinsey Stephenson, Alexandrea Durrell. Hardly at all based on “The Unnamable” by H.P. Lovecraft. (87 min.)
Howard and Lovecraft
A look at the relationship and the correspondences between authors Robert Howard and H.P. Lovecraft. [Blosser, Joshi, Schultz (Moderator)]
5:30 PM
6:00 PM        

8:00 PM to 10:00 PM – Reception for NecronomiCon Attendees (Courtyard)
Meet our Guests and participants. There will be coffee and a cash bar. No autographs please. (Held indoors if poor weather.) [Lumley, Mosig, and all participants]
Time Constitution Enterprise (A/V Room) Grand Ballroom Republic Resolution
6:30 PM  
“The Dunwich Horror” (audio)
Great radio adaptation from the classic series Suspense of the Lovecraft short story. (30 min.)
7:00 PM
“The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath” (audio)
A concept album entirely dedicated to the Lovecraft novel. It employs diverse musical styles to reflect the ever-changing moods and landscapes as Lovecraft has described in his story. From Rainer Schmidt and Payne’s Gray of Germany. (70 min.)
7:30 PM
8:00 PM
8:30 PM
The Haunted Palace (1963)
Directed by Roger Corman. Charles Dexter Ward returns to the New England town that his ancestor, Joseph Curwen, laid under a curse as he was burned to death. Stars Vincent Price and Lon Chaney, Jr. Based on The Case of Charles Dexter Ward. (87 min.)
9:00 PM
9:30 PM
10:00 PM
Gaming: “Black Waters” CoC Game
This Call of Cthulhu game is set on the 1920’s Easter Island. (4 hours) [Thompson (Keeper)]
Quatermass and the Mythos
Lovecraftian themes in Nigel Kneale’s Quatermass films are discussed. The movie Five Million Years to Earth, also known as Quatermass and the Pit, will be shown. [Behrendt (Moderator), Ross]
Reading by Brian Lumley
Brian Lumley reads his short story “The Mirror of Nitocris.” [Lumley]
Whither alt.horror.cthulhu?
Is it time a rec.arts.books.lovecraft newsgroup was created on Usenet? [Harms, Loucks (Moderator), Tynes]
Gaming: “Hounded” CoC Game
A Call of Cthulhu adventure which takes place at Miskatonic University in the 1920s. (4 hours) [DeVille (Keeper)]
10:30 PM
11:00 PM    
11:30 PM

Saturday, August 16, 1997

9:00 AM to 6:00 PM – Dealers’/Artists’ Room (Reprisal, Britannia, and Defiance)
12:00 N to 4:00 PM – Special Exhibit at the John Hay Library
Brown University’s John Hay Library, 20 Prospect St., will have a special exhibit of Mythos-related items on display. [Stanley (Librarian)]

10:00 AM To 11:00 AM – Bus Trip to H.P. Lovecraft’s Gravesite #1 (Meet at Main Entry)
First bus trip to Swan Point Cemetery, where Lovecraft is buried. Please go to the Registration Desk for further information and tickets.
11:00 AM To 12:00 N – Bus Trip to H.P. Lovecraft’s Gravesite #2 (Meet at Main Entry)
Second bus trip to Swan Point Cemetery, where Lovecraft is buried. Please go to the Registration Desk for information and tickets.
11:00 AM to 1:00 PM – Short Walking Tour #1 (Meet in Lobby)
Prolific author Will Murray leads a walking tour of Lovecraftian sites on College Hill with a stop at the Hay Library. [Murray (Guide)]
12:00 N To 1:00 PM – Bus Trip to H.P. Lovecraft’s Gravesite #3 (Meet at Main Entry)
Third bus trip to Swan Point Cemetery, where Lovecraft is buried. Please go to the Registration Desk for information and tickets.
Time Bounty Constitution Enterprise (A/V Room) Lincoln Republic Resolution Washington
10:00 AM  
Gaming: “Uncle Smitty’s Cabin” CoC Game
This game takes place in the Miskatonic Valley in the 1920s. (4 hours) [Piedmont (Keeper)]
Die, Monster, Die! (1965)
Directed by Daniel Haller. A young man who comes calling on his fiancee finds her house in Massachusetts at the center of “the blasted heath,” and her secretive father carrying out bizarre and deadly experiments with something from beyond the stars. Stars Boris Karloff, Nick Adams, Patrick Magee. Based on “The Colour Out of Space.” This film will be shown in the letterboxed theatrical format. (80 min.)
The Father of Modern Lovecraft Studies
Special Guest Yozan Dirk Mosig helped begin a new era of Lovecraftian scholarship. His influence and contributions are examined. [Joshi, Price, Schultz (Moderator), with Mosig in audience)
How Not to Write Mythos Fiction
Most Mythos fiction is really lousy. What are its writers doing wrong? [Aniolowski (Moderator), D’Ammassa, Schweitzer]
Gaming: The Mythos Card Game
A demonstration of how to play Chaosium’s Mythos card game. This will be followed by actual game playing. [Robinson (Moderator)]
10:30 AM
11:00 AM
Reading by Brian McNaughton
Author Brian McNaughton reads two of his short stories: “Meryphillia” and “Mud.” [McNaughton]
Other Providence Writers
Three Rhode Island residents and writers whose names begin with “D” discuss their works and following in Lovecraft’s footsteps. [D’Ammassa, Daniels, DiFilippo, Ringel (Moderator)]
The Lumley Mythos
Brian Lumley has shaped and developed HPL’s Mythos, often radically. What exactly is the “Lumley Mythos”? [Anderson, Aniolowski, Ross (Moderator), with Lumley in audience]
11:30 AM  
12:00 N
Sculpting the Mythos
A talk by “Call of Cthulhu” miniatures sculptor Robert Murch on his artwork and his vision of the Mythos. [Murch]
The Making of The Outsider on Film
Filmmaker Aaron Vanek discusses the making of and shows his short film The Outsider based on Lovecraft’s famous story; we also will be showing The Music of Erich Zann. [Vanek]
An Interview with Dirk Mosig
A personal interview with one of the world’s leading Lovecraft scholars, Dirk Mosig. [Faig (Moderator), Mosig]
Before the Mythos: Arthur Machen
A look at the famous British writer Arthur Machen and his influence on H.P. Lovecraft’s writings. [Joshi, Ross, Schweitzer (Moderator)]
How to Write Mythos Fiction
What makes a Mythos story a good Mythos story? What makes it work? Are Lovecraftian stories better than Mythos stories? [Lumley, McNaughton, Niswander, Price (Moderator)]
12:30 PM

1:00 PM to 2:00 PM – Bus Trip to H.P. Lovecraft’s Gravesite #4 (Meet at Main Entry)
Final bus trip to Swan Point Cemetery, where Lovecraft is buried. Please go to the Registration Desk for further information and tickets.
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM – Short Walking Tour #2 (Meet in Lobby)
Necronomicon Press publisher Marc Michaud leads a tour of College Hill’s Lovecraftian sites, including the John Hay Library. [Michaud (Guide)]
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM – Short Walking Tour #3 (Meet in Lobby)
Author and editor Darrell Schweitzer leads the final tour of College Hill’s Lovecraftian sites, with a stop at the Hay Library. [Schweitzer (Guide)]
Time Bounty Constitution Enterprise (A/V Room) Lincoln Republic Washington
1:00 PM  
Gaming: “Uncle Smitty’s Cabin” CoC Game (cont.)
Dark Intruder (1965)
1960s TV program featuring heavy Lovecrafitan overtone. (60 min.)
1:30 PM
2:00 PM
Gaming: “Close to Home” CoC Game
This game is set in New York in the ’20s, where Lovecraft and his friends investigate a mystery. [Thompson (Keeper)]
The Maze (1953)
Directed by William Cameron Menzies. Mysterious goings-on at a Scottish castle. An amazingly Lovecraftian film up to...well...you’ll know when. Stars Richard Carlson, Veronica Hurst, Hillary Brooke. (81 min.)
2:30 PM
Reading by Adam Niswander
Arizonan author Adam Niswander reads from his soon to be published Mythos-themed novel, The Sand Dwellers. [Niswander]
On ‘The Outsider’: Reading and Discussion
Dirk Mosig reads Lovecraft’s short story “The Outsider.” This will be followed by a panel discussion of the story. [Waugh (Moderator), Mosig, Schultz, Price]
Gaming: Writing for “Call of Cthulhu”
Published “Call of Cthulhu” authors discuss the dos and don’ts of scenario writing for the role-playing game. [Aniolowski, Behrendt, Ross, Sumpter (Moderator), Tynes]
Signing #2 by Brian Lumley
Guest of Honor Brian Lumley signs autographs. [Lumley]
3:00 PM
3:30 PM
BBC H.P. Lovecraft Special
A documentary on the author, created as part of a series for British television, and never shown in the States previously. (30 min.)
4:00 PM
The Necronomicon Hoaxes
A presentation of the many hoaxes involving that infamous, non-existing book, the Necronomicon, and how you can take part in one yourself. [Harms]
Transylvania Twist (1990)
Directed by Jim Wynorski. A librarian from Transylvania must collect the fines on a 200 year overdue book, The Book of all Evil (hint: it’s filed under Alhazred, Abdul). Yes, it’s a screwball Lovecraft/vampire comedy. Stars Monique Gabrielle, Angus Scrimm, Brinke Stevens, Robert Vaughn, Forrest J. Ackerman.
An Introduction to the Howard Mythos
A discussion of Conan’s creator Robert Howard’s own Mythos and its crossover aspects with the Cthulhu Mythos. [Blosser, Burke, Henderson (Moderator)]
Gaming: Tips for Keepers and Players
An open discussion for all “Call of Cthulhu” players on ideas of how to improve playing and experiencing the game. [Hammann (Moderator) and others]
An Interview with Brian Lumley
A personal interview with NecronomiCon’s Guest of Honor, Brian Lumley. [Anderson (Moderator), Lumley]
4:30 PM
5:00 PM
Reading by C.J. Henderson
Horror and mystery writer C.J. Henderson reads some of his own work. [Henderson]
Macabre Art: Why We Do It
Who are these odd folks and why do they draw such weird things? [Atkinson, Knox (Moderator), Koszowski, Murch]
The Mythos and the Small Press
Much Mythos survives and appears thanks to the efforts of small press publishers. A look at the past, present, and future of some of them. [Aniolowski, Ganley, Michaud (Moderator), Tynes]
The Psychology of Lovecraft
From Jung to Ying-Yang, a look at the man and the mind of Howard Phillips Lovecraft. [Anderson (Moderator), Joshi, Mosig, Price]
5:30 PM

Time Constitution Enterprise (A/V Room) Lincoln Resolution Washington
6:00 PM  
Equinox (1971)
Directed by Dennis Muren, Jack Woods II. Students discover a mysterious old man guarding a magic book (three guesses as to the title) and a stop-motion monster. An amateur production made over a period of some years. Stars Edward Connell, Barbara Hewitt, Frank Bonner and author Fritz Leiber, Jr. (80 min.)
Gaming: Call of Cthulhu Tournament Game (#2-1)
Final Round: “Out of the Ages.” The death of a former US Senator brings the investigators face-to-face with horror. (Cthulhu Now) [Sumpter (Keeper)]
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
7:30 PM
8:00 PM
Gaming: “Return of the Nibelungen” CoC Game
This adventure takes place in Berlin, Germany, in the 1920s. [Hammann (Keeper)]
The Hunger: “Necros” (TV movie)
Directed by Russell Mulcahy. A vacationing doctor pursues an exotic lover of an aged man the town locals suspect is a vampire. Adaptation of a Brian Lumley short story.
The Twilight Zone: “Gramma” (TV series)
A little boy is left alone with the corpse of his grandma. Adaptation of a Mythos short story by Stephen King.
Monsters: “The Space Eaters” (TV series)
A man claims that aliens have eaten his brain. Adaptation of a Mythos short story.
Why Mythos Films Stink
Why are so many Mythos films so damn BAD? [Blosser (Moderator), Jones, Ross]
Alhazred VII and a Reading by Brian Lumley
The comedy sketch “Alhazred VII” is presented by Robert Knox and Robert Price. Mr. Lumley will then read “The House of Cthulhu.” [Knox, Lumley, Price]
8:30 PM
9:00 PM
How I Would Make a GOOD Mythos Film
I know how to do it right if only those film producers would listen to me! [Atkinson, Daniels (Moderator), Loucks, Vanek]
9:30 PM
10:00 PM
The Beyond (1981)
Directed by Lucio Fulci. An old hotel is built on top of the door to the beyond. A young woman who is heir of the hotel wants to restore it, and bloody mayhem results. A very gory Lovecraft-influenced film. Also known as Seven Doors of Death. Stars David Warbeck, Sarah Keller, Antoine Saint-John, Veronica Lazar. Shown in the letterboxed format; in English with Japanese subtitles. (82 min.)
Gaming: “Powerful Spirits” CoC Game
This Call of Cthulhu game is set in 1920s Hawaii. (4 hours) [Leatham (Keeper)]
The Dreamlands: From Dunsany to Lumley
The development and nature of The Dreamlands, from Lord Dunsany to Brian Lumley, as discussed by those who have been there. [Price, Ross (Moderator), Schweitzer, Thompson]
10:30 PM
11:00 PM
Sex, Drugs, and HPL
Taking the Mythos to the #$*@#%* extreme! [Atkinson, Knox, McNaughton, Tynes (Moderator)]
11:30 PM
The Whisperer in Darkness
An independent adaptation of the Lovecraft short story. (35 min.)
12:00 M  
The Independently-Adapted Lovecraft Film That Dare Not Speak Its Name
We won’t tell you what it is or who made it, but you won’t see it anywhere except at NecronomiCon! (12 min.)

Sunday, August 17, 1997

9:00 AM to 4:00 PM – Dealers’/Artists’ Room (Reprisal, Britannia, and Defiance)

Morning and Afternoon
9:30 AM to 12:00 N – The Cthulhu Prayer Breakfast (Grand Ballroom)
Guests Brian Lumley and Dirk Mosig speak, followed by a “sermon” by the Rev. Bob Price. Tickets are NOT available at the convention. [Joshi, Lumley, Mosig, Price]
Time Bounty Enterprise (A/V Room) Lincoln Republic Resolution
9:00 AM  
The Real Ghostbusters: “Collect Call of Cthulhu” and “Russian About”
An animated version of the Cthulhu Mythos? Why not? (60 min.)
9:30 AM
10:00 AM
Re-Animator (1985)
Directed by Stuart Gordon. A determined young scientist, Herbert West, enters Miskatonic Medical School, but secretly pursues the perfection of his reagent for reviving the dead. One of the best-known Lovecraft cinema adaptations, or mutations if you prefer. Stars Jeffrey Combs, Bruce Abbott, David Gale, Barbara Crampton. Based on “Herbert West—Re-Animator” by H.P. Lovecraft. This film will be shown in the letterboxed format. (86 min.)
Gaming: To Be Announced CoC Game
A Call of Cthulhu game the details of which are to be announced. [Hammann (Keeper)]
10:30 AM
11:00 AM
Reading by Paul DiFilippo
Author Paul DiFilippo reads some of his writings. [DiFilippo]
11:30 AM
12:00 N  
The Sect (1991)
Directed by Michele Soavi. A young woman finds herself mysteriously involved—or even connected—with a cult that worships Yog-Sothoth, in this creepy Lovecraft-flavored tale. Stars Kelly Curtis, Herbert Lom. Also known as The Devil’s Daughter. (112 min.)
Tune In, Turn On, Lovecraft
A look back at what Lovecraft fans and studies were like in the 1960s. [Blosser, Faig, Murray (Moderator), Ringel]
Lovecraft the Plagiarist?
How much of other writers’ works did Lovecraft “steal”? Did he improve these ideas? [Joshi, Schultz, Schweitzer (Moderator)]
12:30 PM
1:00 PM
McNaughton as a Mythos Writer
Dr. Robert Price discusses with author Brian McNaughton his use of the Mythos in his writings. [McNaughton, Price (Moderator)]
Signing #3 by Brian Lumley
Guest of Honor Brian Lumley signs autographs for the last time at NecronomiCon. [Lumley]
1:30 PM
2:00 PM  
Lurking Fear (1994)
Directed by C. Courtney Joyner. The town of Lefferts Corner is under siege by burrowing monsters who only attack during thunderstorms; when a group of townspeople band together to destroy the menace, they are interrupted by gangsters. Stars Ashley Lauren (Laurence), Jeffrey Combs, Jon Finch, Blake Bailey, Jon Mantee. Based on “The Lurking Fear.” (78 min.)
Will be followed by a 15-minute making-of segment.
2:30 PM
3:00 PM
3:30 PM
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